The Grow a Good Citizen project is intended for parents and guardians of Jewish children living in the US. If you are a Jewish professional or congregational leader interested in kits for use with a group or a class, please select "Jewish professional/congregational leader" below. Thank you!

The Grow a Good Citizen Kit is intended for families with children ages 4-8. You can request more information about our civic action campaign and youth programs.
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The Grow a Good Citizen Kit is intended for families with young children. We are happy to send you a sample kit along with a promotional toolkit to share this opportunity with families in your community.

Grow a Good Citizen is intended for older children, however we have social justice and civic engagement programming available for adults. Are you interested in learning more? 

The Grow a Good Citizen kit is intended for younger children, however we offer other opportunities for kids to experience Jewish values in community through our summer camps and year-round programming. Would you like to receive more information?

Please provide your address so we can send you Grow a Good Citizen information

Please provide your street address so we can send you Grow a Good Citizen information

Thank you for your interest! The Grow a Good Citizen program is currently only available for residents of the U.S. If you'd like to access activities and downloadable materials online, please click here.

Child 1

Child 2

Child 3

Child 4

Children 5+

By submitting this form, you authorize future communications via mail, email, text and phone for the purposes of transactional communications as well as marketing communications for this and other URJ programs. Please know that we do not sell or market email addresses. If you do not wish to receive further communications from the URJ and URJ affiliates you will be able to opt out at the time of receipt.

Teaching your kids while they’re young about the importance of voting can help them build the confidence and skills they need for a lifetime of civic engagement.

Sign up here for a free Grow a Good Citizen kit geared towards families with children ages 4-8! We’ll mail the kit to your home. 

Inside, you’ll find activities you and your children can do together to learn about the importance of voting, build excitement about voting, and take action to help others vote too – in 2024 primary elections and beyond.